I wasn't always like I am today. I grew up not being part of the Catholic Church. I was baptized, but it never got past that - I didn't receive any of my other sacraments. It wasn't until 1991 that God came into my life in a powerful way. It was that year that I travelled to Medjugorje and had a major conversion experience. After I got back, at the age of 24, I went through the RCIA process to become a full Catholic and received the rest of my sacraments that Easter. I left my job as a corporate trainer for a major restaurant chain and began ministering to young people. The journey began as a youth minister but has evolved to being a retreat coordinator and national Catholic speaker. I travel and speak at a variety of conferences, retreats, schools, parishes, diocesan events and other venues throughout North America. It is my hope that through my humor and faith-filled person stories that I can touch the lives of young people and adults and help bring them closer to encountering Christ as I have in my own life. God bless and I'll see you in the Eucharist!